Tom Heemstra
Lt. Col. (ret.) Heemstra, is a 20-year Air Force veteran, former F-16 Fighter Pilot and Fighter Squadron Commander with 15 combat missions over Iraq. Also, a former Instructor Pilot, with over 21,000 Total flying hours, Tom is currently an International Airline Captain, and success partner for a major U.S. airline the last 34 years.
Dr. Tom Heemstra’s bold leadership impact has directly inspired major award-winning International Fortune 50 companies, local businesses, and leading national organizations where leadership training is the foundation for both character and competence. Combining renewed vision and camaraderie to attract extraordinary talent, he has personally catalyzed performance turnarounds through hundreds of engaged high-performance teams, required to reach these outstanding levels.
Tom, as a Patriot, is a noted author, speaker, and former ‘Outstanding Adjunct Professor’ at the College of Mt. St. Joseph teaching Servant Leadership. He holds a Doctorate degree in Strategic Leadership from Regent University with focused expertise on both Transformational, and Servant Leadership. He is a distinguished military graduate from the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Phone: 865 585-0047
While serving in the Air National Guard in Ft. Wayne, Indiana Lt. Col. Heemstra distinguished himself by serving as a WhistleBlower on the military’s dangerous mandatory anthrax vaccine program (AVIP) in 1998 and 1999, testifying twice to the U.S. Congress after 6 had died from the shot and hundreds were wounded. He protected his own troops, eventually the Active duty, postal workers, and American civilians from “domestic enemies”, when the Defense Department’s mandatory vaccine program laid the groundwork for the 2019-2023 Covid virus, and a renewed mandatory vaccine crisis.
Dr. Thomas S. Heemstra is the author of an award winning #1 Amazon International Best Seller in 2020; has written several published works including:
- “STARQuest: Character Education and Leadership Development Curriculum”
- “Anthrax: A Deadly Shot in the Dark: Unmasking the Truth Behind a Hazardous Vaccine”
- The Change, Volume 7: “The Words and the Bees of Bold Transformational Change!”
- Cracking the Rich Code
Vol #2, Chapter 7: “Wealth of Connections Conquer Circumstances, Chaos, and Corruption,” and, - Vol #3, Chapter 7: “Like Everest, But a Better Mountain”
His International seminar “Winning Innovation” produced for (Medinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship) promises immeasurable, lasting impact on innovation and research using foundational barrier-breaking principles that he brought to life.
Tom founded projects like The Sanctuary, and Creator’s University. The Sanctuary Foundation by MACH 5 was a short-term retreat center for wounded leaders and injured (PTSD) soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Creator’s University is a creative think-tank designed to help businesses with innovation and problem solving, through inspired creativity; as well as “help teens achieve their creative dreams,” in its school outreach program.
As he pursues his passion to have positive global impact, Dr. Heemstra is available for leadership workshops, seminars, keynote speeches, and retreats. And always a cheerful, exciting game of Pickle-ball!